WARNING: Drive /dev/hda doesn't appear in the database of supported drives
WARNING: But using a common value, it reports something.
WARNING: Note that the temperature shown could be wrong.
WARNING: See --help, --debug and --drivebase options.
WARNING: And don't forget you can add your drive to hddtemp.db
/dev/hda: WDC WD3200AAJB-00WGA0: 30°C or °F
"WDC WD3200AAJB-00WGA0" 194 C "Western Digital Caviar SE16 320GB 8MB"
WARNING: But using a common value, it reports something.
WARNING: Note that the temperature shown could be wrong.
WARNING: See --help, --debug and --drivebase options.
WARNING: And don't forget you can add your drive to hddtemp.db
/dev/hda: WDC WD3200AAJB-00WGA0: 30°C or °F